Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be triggered or occur quite randomly firing up the fight/flight response as the brain perceives that physical survival is threatened as a result of a previously encountered situation that may now be out of date, perhaps a past experience or cumulative trauma where the individual has not been able to cope.

Photo by Nate Steiner no changes made - Licence

Symptoms can peak very quickly and can last for seconds to hours but typically 30 minutes is average. 

Physical symptoms of a panic attack can include racing heart, numbness, sweating, nausea, trembling, shortness of breath, palpitations with feelings of extreme fear, loss of control and dread. 

Many sufferers believe they are dying at the time although panic attacks themselves are not physically dangerous.

Panic attack

Panic attacks can be triggered or occur quite randomly firing up the fight/flight response as the brain perceives that physical survival is threatened as a result of a previously encountered situation that may now be out of date, perhaps a past experience or cumulative trauma where the individual has not been able to cope.

BWRT can help stop panic attacks

The good news is that there is help available with BWRT, a relatively new therapy, but totally unique, because it uses the latest thinking on neuroscience techniques to retrain the brain in a totally natural way, restore ‘normal behaviour’ and stop the panic attacks from occurring.

Panic attacks can be particularly frightening and BWRT® uses a specific way to stop the panic in its tracks in order to allow a new response, of the client’s choice, to take its place, this allows the brain to respond in a completely different way effectively eliminating the old behaviour pattern of panic.

Client Testimonials

“Suffering with anxiety & panic attacks for over 2 years, most aspects of my life have been affected in some way.

Following an extended absence from work and generally feeling unable to cope with day to day living, I was sent Keith’s details by a friend.  Following an initial consultation to ascertain if BWRT would be beneficial to me, Keith explained the process clearly. He took the time to understand my issues and made me feel comfortable talking to him, helping me to prioritise key areas to tackle with the therapy.I then attended 3 sessions of BWRT with him – amazingly I felt positive results following the first session. Keith simplified each part of the therapy and I felt at ease asking questions.

It has now been 5 weeks since my first session – 5 weeks free of panic attacks and anxiety and above all feeling happy and content. My family have noticed my improved outlook and I returned to work this week after 9 weeks absence, I can honestly say it’s been one of the best weeks of my career!

Thank you so much Keith”

Book your Free Consultation with Keith at BWRT UK today and find out how BWRT® can help you!

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+44 (0)1582 475459
+44 (0)7958 508482

Online Appointments are also available via  Zoom, Skype or FaceTime

BWRT UK Dunstable, Bedfordshire. UK.