Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD

PTSD is a psychological disorder which can develop following a traumatic event such as rape, sexual abuse, military combat, domestic violence, an act of terrorism, road traffic accident.

Symptoms can often include constantly reliving the event, flashbacks, nightmares, negative and racing thoughts, panic attacks, hypervigilance – a constant life threatening feeling, often accompanied by sweating and increased heart rate.


You are not alone

About 450 million people worldwide will develop PTSD at some point during their lives!

Why getting help is so important

Apart from the obvious benefit of feeling better once resolved, if it is left untreated PTSD can lead to other problems such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, eating disorders, alcohol and drug abuse.

Why does it continue to cause so much stress?

When you encounter a traumatic situation, your brain takes an ‘emotional snapshot’ of that moment and stores it in it’s data bank for future reference, so that when you encounter  a sound, a sight, a smell, a taste or a feeling that resembles or partially resembles the event, it can trigger those feelings that you felt at the time and will continue to do so until either therapy or life experience changes it. 

How can BWRT help PTSD?

It takes approximately 1/3 of a second for a thought/trigger to reach conscious awareness and by the time we are aware of it the process for action has already happened, which is why it is so difficult for us to resolve psychological issues ourselves.

BWRT® works in a natural way by reducing/removing the emotion from the memory of the traumatic event so that it becomes ‘just another memory’ and therefore future triggers no longer evoke the traumatic feelings. It does this by targeting response patterns in the early part of the brain before they can reach consciousness.


  • Easy to understand – logical process

  • Fast – cost effective

  • Permanent

  • No ongoing coping strategies necessary

  • Completely confidential – No need to share your secrets with the therapist

  • Therapy is available in person and online by Skype/FaceTime

  • Free initial consultation

Client Testimonials

“I have suffered from anxiety for over 20 years after a bad car accident. I had tried all the different therapies offered by the NHS CBT/my surgery but after a few consultations was signed off to try and cope on my own. I started to look for other ways to help with this awful debilitating condition so I could get back to normality. Upon chance I stumbled across a Facebook post about BWRT. Mmmm interesting but does it work how will it help all the negative thoughts. I looked on the net and read up about the therapy and Keith. What I read and watched intrigued me so I contacted Keith who from my initial phone call was fantastic easy to connect with and totally dedicated to the therapy he has learnt.

I booked my free consultation to see if we could work together to rid me of my anxiety that had plagued me for so many years. Keith advised me to have a think that evening and to call him the next day to confirm wether I wished to proceed with BWRT. It didn’t take long I booked there and then and with excitement and intrigue looked forward to my first full session.

Over the next few weeks Keith taught me how to rid me of the anxious thoughts and excessive worrying I had endured for many years with the skills Keith possesses he was slowly but surely changed the way my brain was reacting to the anxiety it was like a weight was lifting daily.

My last session has now finished and all I can say thank god I met this professional kind and extremely intelligent individual he has changed my life for good and I am now doing things that were out of my reach for the last 20yrs.

When you take on the therapy you must be able to believe and work with Keith to retrain your sub conscious mind. Keith uses some unique exercises and take it from me it works. 

If someone asked do I know how to help with anxiety/phobias/panic attacks etc I would tell them to call Keith. I really wish that this therapy had been around when I was younger as I have missed out on many things but now I can and will achieve things with my new way of thinking.”

“I would just like to say again thank you so much for your help. 

I suffered with severe anxiety for years, I could barely leave the house without having a panic attack. I went and saw Keith, and ofcourse was very nervous. He made me feel really calm and talked through everything that was going to happen.

Immediately after one session I felt so positive about everything. I felt like a different person, and my friends and family can’t believe the change. I don’t even think about it now when I need to pop to the shops or meet up with friends. 

This has completely changed my life and would recommend Keith to anybody. 

Thank you again.”

Book your Free Consultation with Keith at BWRT UK today and find out how BWRT® can help you!

Send a Message

+44 (0)1582 475459
+44 (0)7958 508482

Online Appointments are also available via  Zoom, Skype or FaceTime

BWRT UK Dunstable, Bedfordshire. UK.